Book review

Comment: Different types of reading

When presented with a list of “must read before you die/turn 50/graduate” novels, the instinctive response is to run down the list saying “read/not read/read” etc. In other words we treat the question of whether we have read a novel as a binary yes/no matter.

But if you think about it for a moment, that’s almost certainly wrong. reading abook
Why? Well, apart from reading or not reading a novel (or any other book) there are a number of other answers. I’ve come up with this list, but I suspect it’s possible to add more:

  1. I have read it, but got bored and skipped bits
  2. I read some or most of it but didn’t finish
  3. I read it in translation
  4. Someone read it to me
  5. I’ve seen the film/television adaptation
  6. I read an abridged version
  7. I listened to the audio book
  8. I read it a long time ago and can’t remember (hardly) anything about it
  9. I have read it and reread it so many times I can recite long chunks from memory
  10. I read it carefully because I knew I was going to have to write something sensible and coherent about it in my blog.

You will probably have guessed this, but nowadays when I say I have read a book, I usually mean the final category. I am not saying any of the others are in any way wrong – just pointing out that “I’ve read that book” can mean different things to different people.


8 thoughts on “Comment: Different types of reading

    • The Reading Bug says:

      Although in my experience someone writing an essay on a book is more likely to avoid reading the book cover to cover, and instead read a plot summary and some reviews – or am I being unfair to students?


  1. Jonathan says:

    Yes, there are definitely nuances to stating ‘I’ve tead that!’ I would include reading in translation or audio book as having read it whereas watching a film or reading a summary I wouldn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One that occasionally comes up for for me is: I think I read that ages ago, but I’m not certain.

    Re #10 I also find that reading something with the intention of blogging about it makes you concentrate more and maybe improves the reading experience. So it’s like a form of super-reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Reading Bug says:

    I like the idea of ‘super-reading’. When I am going to blog about a novel, as well as reading carefully I usually do some background reading and research, even if it is something as simple as reading the author’s Wikipedia page, looking up obscure terms, reading some other reviews etc – super-reading!


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